

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm going insane

What do you do when you feel like all you can do is scream?  First of all, my daughter is trying to give me a heart attack.  It doesn't matter what type of punishment I give her, her life revolves around pissing me off.  I spent a couple hundred dollers on new things and summer clothes for her, and she has found and destroyed almost everything, and it's not even April yet.  Grape juice, strawberries, paint, pizza sauce stains.  No matter how hard I hide her clothes, even in my own closet, she still finds them.  Same with stuff I've listed on ebay.  As soon as it's about  to sell, she'll find it, ruin it, and I have to take down the listing.  I'm not even exagerating.

She'll take a spanking then stand their in tears as I tell her to go to her room, and she'll cross her arms, stomp her foot, and still tell me no.  She is thee most stubborn human being on the face of this planet.

If Aidan falls asleep, she'll wake him up.  Either by hitting his swing or pulling on his feet.  She isn't trying to hurt him, she does it just to piss me off.  You don't believe me?  After I catch her her response is, "In your face!" 

If I clean her room or make her bed, or my own, she'll rip the sheets off and throw them on the ground along with her toys.  She'll drag her toys into the living room immediatly after I put them in her room, then just leave them, and go back in her room.

She waits until I'm feeding Aidan or until he falls asleep on my lap to need something.  Before I feed him I try to make sure she has everything she needs, and will ask if there's anything I can get her.  "No."  and sure as shit, as soon as he starts eating.  Mom I'm pooping.  Mom I'm thirsty.  Mom I'm hungry.  Mom I can't watch this.  Mom, help me. 

She spits.  She'll spit on her hand and wipe it on the windows, the tv, the coffee table, the refidgerator.  I can't tell you how many times she's been sent to time out because of spitting but she still does it. 

She can't share.  She throws the BIGGEST fit if someone has something she wants.  It's not just any fit, she is outraged.  I'm really sort of bummed that she is so big because she overpower any other kid her age, and some that are older.  She is a bully.

She CONSTANTLY asks, "what's that?!"  Then before I can answer she'll tell me what it is.  Why do you ask if you already know?  And I'm not just being a bitch, I'm all for helping her learn, but it's, honost to god, 300 times a day.  ANNOYING!!!

I swear to god she likes being yelled at.  If I tell her to get away from me, she'll follow right behind me like a puppy dog instead. 

She's up at 6, doesn't take a nap, and doesn't go to bed until 10 when her dad goes to bed.  And even then she's in her room playing with the lights off.

I constantly feel like my chest or head is going to explode.  Add in the fact that I have a baby screaming in my face while trying to deal with The Deal just makes things that much harder and elevates my blood that much more.

Joe is really into taking my car to work, so I'm stuck at home from 6:30 to 4 Monday through Friday.  Tuesday and Thursday he takes the car from 7-11.  Friday or Saturday if he has a show, he takes the car then.  I'm very limited to when I can leave the house.  Joe says that Aidan doesn't eat for him, so I'm limited even more as to how long I can stay out.  My trips are usually a quick run to the post office and a run through winco.  I love my kids, but being around them this much makes me want to cut my head off sometimes.  On Saturday and Sundays he gets to sleep in since he worked all week.  If I go out with my friends I have to make sure that I'm still able to get up at 3, 5, and get up at 7.  Do you know how fun it is to get up at 7 am on a Saturday to a screaming baby in your face and someone up your ass every two seconds?  It's not fun and I'm really jealous of Joe. 

I feel like my body is shutting down on me.  I never have enough time to make myself something to eat so I'm constantly just eating whatever I can instantly put in my mouth.  A granola bar, chips, pretzels, beef jerky, and 5 cups of coffee is my main diet.  I've had the shits for the last 3 days.  Do you know how difficut it is to try to keep a newborn quiet and comfortable in the middle of the night when you have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes?  I haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep in the last 3 months.  I'm a zombie.  I'm a pissed off zombie.

I wish screaming really did make things better.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Going postal on the postal service

I know I promised a daily blog, but I decided that my night-time time should be used for much needed sleep instead of night-time blogging, so sorry for lying. 
It all started a few months ago when we got a new USPS carrier.  Other peoples mail started showing up in my mail box.  Not just random peoples mail, but my address, but from the next street up.  I'm not going to use my real address, but for example, I live at 1424 3rd street, and I started recieving Christmas cards for 1424 2nd street.  At first it was just 1 and a magazine.  The next day it was another one.  A few days after that a couple more.  I then started recieving packages for 1424 4th street.  Without opening it, I could tell that one was medicine because of the rattling noise, and the return address was Kaiser Permenete.  I figuered it would be easier to just bring this mail to the rightful owners myself then going through the hassel of catching the mail lady and giving them to her. 
A few days ago I recieved mail for a 1424 Ross street, (a few locks over.)  I have recieved several packages (not just mail) for my next door neighbor, 1426, and my other neighbor, 1422 has recieved my packages.  I recently purchased a pair of $30, a $20 shirt, and a $5 sticker, all of which had deliver confirmation.  According to the tracking number they were infact delivered to Kelso, just not my address, and I never recieved them due to the dishonosty of people.  I am unemployed, and maybe should quit buying things over the internet, but I am at home all day and pick up my mail as soon as it comes to the door, so I know these weren't just taken from my porch.
I have been waiting for a $20 Harley Davidson bandana forover a week and a half.  It was due to arrive via UPS last Friday.  According to tracking info it arrived in Portland early Friday morning.  I finally recieved it Monday night after the person living at 1424 3rd facebooked me telling me that she had recieved my package!  After returning home from picking up my mis delievered mail, I discovered that FedEx had delivered a package to my house that was supposed to go to 1424 3rd, not my address!
I can understand the occasional mix up, accidents happen, people are only human.  This is just pure stupidity on all accounts!  These people get paid big bucks to walk around and put paper into boxes.  Maybe they should take a little more effort to get it into the right box.  If my unemployment check ever gets mis-delivered, heads are gunna roll!  I'm not sure about the wage of UPS and FedEx drivers, but again, you drive around and put packages on peoples doorsteps, how fucking hard is it to read an address?!  Seriously?  The cost of shipping and postage keeps going up, and recently went up again, but what are we even paying for if it can't get to where it's going?  We're definetly not paying for excellent service, that's for sure!  The person at 1424 3rd told me that their mail once ended up on someones front lawn.  It was checks to pay their bills, and never even made it to the post office, and some one was honost enough to bring it back to them thank god.  She said when she called the post office to let them know, the lady argued with her telling her that the post man wouldn't do that. 
About a month ago I jokingly appologized to our mail carrier for having so many packages delivered to my house, she responded with, "Well it's ok, I make a lot of money to do it."  Well then maybe you should do what you're paid to do!  I have contacted USPS via phone and e-mail, both said sorry we'll talk to your mail carrier and see if she remember delivering your packages somewhere else.  Well if she couldn't remember and realize that they were supposed to go to my house then, what makes them think she's going to be able to remember where she delivered my packges 3 weeks ago?
I know that I am going to do far less,if at all, any online shopping because it's stupid of me to have to purchase insurance on something that I've already paid postage and delivery confirmation on. why should I have to pay more because my mail man doesn't know what the fuck they're doing?!  Is it like this everywhere or just my mail carrier?  Lucky me!  Words cannot even express how pissed off I am.  I am going to write out an organized and well thought out letter to each, UPS, FedEx, and the USPS, with hopes that it's at least read and not just balled up and used to wipe someones ass with.  I'm sure it wont do a bit of good, or help my stuff get to my house any better, but at least I'll fell better knowing I tried. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't bullshit a bullshiter!

I recently purchased a sewing machine off of eBay.  The msrp is $120.  After the price of shipping, and the item I only paid $40.  A pair of pants costs around $8 to ship, so imagine the price of a 20 pound hunk of metal.  The seller only has 8 feedback, her description was only a copy and pasted product info from the machine product page.  I should have taken this as a warning, because if somethings to good to be true... it usually is.  I recieved an e-mail on Sunday saying that she had it packaged and ready to ship on Monday.  So today I recieve an e-mail saying, "I'm so very sorry, but I no longer have this item for sale.  I thought I had it but I don't.  I have issued you a refund and I can send you some thread for the inconvience."  I frankly responded with, "No, you weren't aware of the price of shipping before you listed your item, and after sending it you'd be losing profit.  Because you don't know what you're doing, and didn't do your research, I'm left sewing machineless with a major project due Saturday.  I would love all the free stuff you have to offer before I leave my feedback.  THANKS!"   

First of all, any idiot can tell she's lieing because she told me she had it packaged just 2 days before.  Second of all, I have a 450 100% feedback score, with a 4.9 out of 5 star seller rating.  I have been around the ebay block for quite some time now, and I can see through you and your lies like grandmas underwear!  I have used every excuse in the book as a seller, you can't bullshit a bullshiter.  I guess it's my own karma catching up to me, but that's besides the point, I'm still pissed. 

No I don't want $3 worth of thread for a sewing machine that I don't have!  Well I do have one, but she doesn't know that.  I'll probably just end up going to Joann's and spending the bucks, but now I have to wait 3-5 days for my refund to post back into my bank account and I have a baby quilt due for a shower Saturday.  Rad. 


How to take care of your kid

There's nothing more annoying than someone trying to tell you what's wrong with your kid.  Especially when it's another parent.  When they start crying it must automatically mean they're hungry.  "I think he's hungry, you better feed him."  This one bothers me because Joe assumes this as well.  As soon as Aidan starts crying he's tossed in my lap since, "I'm the one with the tits."  Or my mother-in-laws favorites, he's too cold.... or he's too hot, my house is never the right temperature for her.  She told me that the reason why my kids are always sick is because my house is always too cold.  It wouldn't be because they go to a 99% state paid daycare for welfare moms, that use them as their own personl dumping grounds for thier sick kids they don't want to take care of.  That's another rant for another day though.  I told her it was actually because I make my kids stand in the rain with no coat or shoes. 

My all time favorite though is, "You need to change his diaper" or in the same catagory, "I think he shit his pants."  Most new and newish mom's take everything personally, so don't tell her what she "needs" to do.  My little man is quiet the ass ripper.  Often times I have to ask Joe if it was him or the baby that farted.  They are so potent, that he can clear a room, even if he's wrapped up in a blanket.  So when he farts, EVERYONE assumes that he needs to be changed.  When I tell them he only farted, they argue with me!  I'm around my stinker 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I think I can tell the difference between my own childs farts and poops thank you very much.  Thank for telling me anyways though, since I don't know when to change my child. 

Since we're on the topic of arguing with me, yesterday my mother-in-law tried telling me that Aidan had lost weight.  I told her that he had just came from the doctor, and that he had gained a pound and a half in 1 week.  She still tried telling me that he looked like he had lost weight.  Again, because I don't feed my children, and need to be told when to do so. 
